Maniac is a lost kid during the month of January. Grayson dies in the chapter before, and Maniac feels lost and alone. In order to cope, Maniac does what he always does: he runs. He has no real destination in mind, but he does return to Two Mills at night. He doesn't have a consistent sleeping location, so I will recount the places that chapter 33 lists out for readers. We are told that he...
Maniac is a lost kid during the month of January. Grayson dies in the chapter before, and Maniac feels lost and alone. In order to cope, Maniac does what he always does: he runs. He has no real destination in mind, but he does return to Two Mills at night. He doesn't have a consistent sleeping location, so I will recount the places that chapter 33 lists out for readers. We are told that he tries the "buffolo pen" at one point, and Maniac also spends the night in an abandoned car, an empty garage, and a stairwell.
By nightfall he was back in Two Mills. He would retrieve the satchel from wherever he had stashed it and find a place to endure the night. A few times he revisited the buffalo pen, where he covered himself with a second blanket of straw. Other times his over-night quarters might be an abandoned car, an empty garage, a basement stairwell.
I think the question might be really looking for the sleeping area that Maniac finally settles on near the end of the chapter. He discovers that Valley Forge has some replica cabins built among the cannons and monuments, and Maniac decides to make one of the cabins his shelter.
The only buildings here were tiny log-and-mortar cabins, replicas of the army's shelters. Maniac could feel the ache swelling outward from his breast and filling the enormous, bounding spaces.
He returned to town for the satchel and put himself up in one of the cabins. It was scarcely bigger than a large doghouse. The floor was dirt. There was a doorway, but no door.
This final location is important for the story because it is here that Maniac discovers Russell and Piper McNab trying to run away to Mexico.
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