There are a few viewpoints about what role the government should play during difficult economic conditions. One view is that the government should stay out of the economy. People who support this viewpoint believe that our economy goes through good and bad times. These people believe that things will eventually work themselves out without the government needing to get involved. They believe market forces will eventually set the economy on an improved path. These people...
There are a few viewpoints about what role the government should play during difficult economic conditions. One view is that the government should stay out of the economy. People who support this viewpoint believe that our economy goes through good and bad times. These people believe that things will eventually work themselves out without the government needing to get involved. They believe market forces will eventually set the economy on an improved path. These people believe in the principle of laissez-faire, which is the belief that the government should not be actively involved in the economy.
Another viewpoint is that the government should act as a safety net when difficult economic times begin. This viewpoint developed as a result of the Great Depression. There is a belief that there are times when events become so serious that the government must step in to spur the economy and help the people. The government can provide relief and recovery programs to create jobs and ease the financial burden that people face during these times. During the Great Depression, several government programs were established to create jobs: such as the Civilian Conservation Corps and the Works Progress Administration. Money was also set aside to help people pay their mortgages. These people also believe the government may need to regulate the businesses and industries that may have created the conditions that led to the difficult economic times. For example, during the Great Depression, laws were passed to regulate the activities of the banks and the stock market. Banking and investment practices helped lead to the start of the Great Depression. This viewpoint would be more in line with a Christian ethical foundation. Religious teachings focus on helping the needy. A philosophy in which the government takes action by providing jobs, medical care, and food would be in line with Christian values about helping people who need help. This policy of helping people in need would be in line with the values of most, if not all, religious groups.
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