Wednesday, 14 January 2015

What are two journeys Buddy and his friend go on?

Buddy and his friend go on more than two journeys away from the house, so I'll list more than only two outings.  

Most of the story is centered around the preparing, baking, and distributing of some fruitcakes, so the journeys are associated with that process. The first outing is to gather the necessary pecans. Buddy and his friend take his "buggy" out to gather the wind fallen pecans.  

Together, we guide our buggy, a dilapidated...

Buddy and his friend go on more than two journeys away from the house, so I'll list more than only two outings.  

Most of the story is centered around the preparing, baking, and distributing of some fruitcakes, so the journeys are associated with that process. The first outing is to gather the necessary pecans. Buddy and his friend take his "buggy" out to gather the wind fallen pecans.  

Together, we guide our buggy, a dilapidated baby carriage, out to the garden and into a grove of pecan trees.

The next journey is to Mr. Haha's place of business. They go there to secure the whiskey that is needed for the baking process.  

Of the ingredients that go into our fruitcakes, whiskey is the most expensive, as well as the hardest to obtain: State laws forbid its sale. But everybody knows you can buy a bottle from Mr. Haha Jones.

They don't end up using all of the whiskey, which eventually leads to the great part of the story where they both get a little tipsy on the left over whiskey. 

A third outing that the two protagonists take is out to deliver the fruitcakes to various "friends." They deliver a total of 31 fruitcakes. 

The next journey is for the gathering of Christmas decorations. They gather "greenery and crimson" to make wreaths with, and they even chop down and drag back a Christmas tree.  

Having stuffed our burlap sacks with enough greenery and crimson to garland a dozen windows, we set about choosing a tree. "It should be," muses my friend, "twice as tall as a boy. So a boy can't steal the star."

On Christmas Eve, they go to the butcher to buy Queenie a "good gnawable beef bone." The final journey happens on Christmas day. Buddy and his friend both go out to the pasture to fly kites together. 

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