Tuesday 20 January 2015

`x=2sin(2t) , y=3sint` Find the equations of the tangent lines at the point where the curve crosses itself.

Given parametric equations are:



Let's make a table of x and y values for different values of t. (Refer the attached image).The point where the curve crosses itself will have same x and y values for different values of t.

So from the table, the curve crosses itself at the point (0,0) for t=0 and t=`pi`

The derivative `dy/dx` is the slope of the line tangent to the parametric graph `(x(t),y(t))`





Given parametric equations are:



Let's make a table of x and y values for different values of t. (Refer the attached image).The point where the curve crosses itself will have same x and y values for different values of t.

So from the table, the curve crosses itself at the point (0,0) for t=0 and t=`pi`

The derivative `dy/dx` is the slope of the line tangent to the parametric graph `(x(t),y(t))`







At t=0, `dy/dx=(3cos(0))/(4cos(2*0))=3/4`

Equation of the tangent line can be found by the point slope form of the line,



At t=`pi` , `dy/dx=(3cos(pi))/(4cos(2pi))=-3/4`



Equations of the tangent lines at the point where the curve crosses itself are :

`y=3/4x , y=-3/4x`

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