Saturday, 23 May 2015

What is a republic government?

A republic form of government is when people elect leaders to represent them in the government. In the United States, the people elect leaders at the local, state, and national levels to represent them in the government. These leaders are supposed to listen to the concerns and wishes of the people they represent. Then, based on the will of the majority, the elected representatives should vote accordingly. The advantage of this form of government is...

A republic form of government is when people elect leaders to represent them in the government. In the United States, the people elect leaders at the local, state, and national levels to represent them in the government. These leaders are supposed to listen to the concerns and wishes of the people they represent. Then, based on the will of the majority, the elected representatives should vote accordingly. The advantage of this form of government is that it is easier to get things done. If all of the citizens had to directly vote on every proposed idea, it would be a very difficult and cumbersome process. With this method of government, people elect leaders, and these leaders then should reflect the wishes of the majority of the people that they represent.

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