Monday, 21 April 2014

The Purpose of Government A lot of people wonder what is the purpose of government, why is it there anyway? This is a good question because even...

Great start! At , we can't do your assignment for you or rewrite your essay. But we can offer you feedback and model useful strategies! I've included specific paragraphs from your essay that model the appropriate corrections and offered feedback on the content of the piece.

The Purpose of Government


The purpose of government is to do what the people tell elected officials to do, which is why they were elected. I don’t like...

Great start! At , we can't do your assignment for you or rewrite your essay. But we can offer you feedback and model useful strategies! I've included specific paragraphs from your essay that model the appropriate corrections and offered feedback on the content of the piece.

The Purpose of Government


The purpose of government is to do what the people tell elected officials to do, which is why they were elected. I don’t like it when representatives in Congress do not follow the Constitution. The Constitution gives people rights and lets people be free to do whatever they want with their own lives. (Really? Does it let us do "whatever" we want? Think about how the Constitution allows us to be free—but how it is also supposed to protect us and help us work together.) Everyone wants to be free and enjoy the freedoms that the writers of the Constitution wanted for us. It is important for those in government to try to meet everybody's needs, whatever they might be. This is what governments should do—help to make everything as fair and equal as possible.

The Constitution makes it the government's job to ensure that everybody is treated equally. This right is in the Fourteenth Amendment. People want to be equal and this means that government must do what the people tell them to do. Why else do people vote them into office? What good would they be if they did not do what the people wanted them to do? This is how the founders of the Constitution were hoping to make America work. (Please make the last sentence a bit clearer. What do you think the Founding Fathers were really hoping for?) It is a good thing that it is written in the Constitution that the people can tell the government that it is supposed to do what the people want it to do.

This is also why the people who wrote the Constitution created three different parts of the government. This is called "the separation of powers." This is so the President can make Congress make laws that do what the people want them to do. (The President does not "make" Congress make laws. Bills, which become laws, can start in Congress. However, the President has to sign a bill into law. A bill can pass through Congress, but still not become a law if the President does not sign it.) The Constitution also gives the courts the power to decide when things are not constitutional. I think this is an important idea because this does not give the President, the senators and representatives, or the lobbyists too much power. "Checks and balances" help to make sure that no one has too much strength in government.

A few final pointers:

  • You do not need citations for this essay, so I took them out.

  • Try not to start sentences with "I think" or "I feel." This is your essay, so it is quite clear that these are your thoughts, feelings, or ideas. Your sentences are stronger and clearer when you do not start them this way.

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