Friday 15 August 2014

Identify six character traits of Scout's that are apparent throughout the story using evidence from text.

Chapter Two:Scout is outspoken. She tries to provide some information to Miss Caroline about Walter Cunningham when no one else in the class will say anything.

Chapter Three:Scout is aggressive. She beats up Walter Cunningham at school because she thinks he is the reason she got in trouble.

Chapter Nine:She is loyal to her family and friends. When her classmate, Cecil Jacobs, insults Atticus for representing Tom Robinson, Scout starts to beat...

Chapter Two: Scout is outspoken. She tries to provide some information to Miss Caroline about Walter Cunningham when no one else in the class will say anything.

Chapter Three: Scout is aggressive. She beats up Walter Cunningham at school because she thinks he is the reason she got in trouble.

Chapter Nine: She is loyal to her family and friends. When her classmate, Cecil Jacobs, insults Atticus for representing Tom Robinson, Scout starts to beat him up as well to defend Atticus. But she decides against it because Atticus told her not to. 

Chapter Twelve: Scout is generous. When Calpurnia takes her and Jem to her own church one Sunday, the collection basket is going around. The pastor then makes an announcement that there is not enough money in there to support one of the other church members for the week. Scout and Jem both put in the only ten cents each that they have. Atticus had given them each a dime.

Chapter Fifteen: Scout is brave. When Atticus sits outside of the jail and is confronted by several of the men from town who want to hurt Tom, Scout realizes there is threatening talk going on and jumps in to try to diffuse the situation, which she does.

Chapter Twenty Nine: Scout is kind. She befriends Boo towards the end of the novel. He was viewed as an "other" in Maycomb, so Scout's friendship is significant.

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