Tuesday 5 November 2013

What two incidents in "A Devoted Son" reflect the sense of bonhomie seen among the villagers?

"Bonhomie" is defined by Merriam-Webster Dictionary as "a feeling of friendliness among a group of people."

In the story, two incidents that reflect the bonhomie among the villagers are when visitors come to share in the happiness of Rakesh's accomplishments and when old neighbors visit Varma during his malaise.

The first incident of bonhomie occurs after Rakesh is listed as having earned first place in his country's medical entrance examinations. The text tells us that...

"Bonhomie" is defined by Merriam-Webster Dictionary as "a feeling of friendliness among a group of people."

In the story, two incidents that reflect the bonhomie among the villagers are when visitors come to share in the happiness of Rakesh's accomplishments and when old neighbors visit Varma during his malaise.

The first incident of bonhomie occurs after Rakesh is listed as having earned first place in his country's medical entrance examinations. The text tells us that for a whole day, visitors come to congratulate Rakesh (and his parents) and to present the successful scholar with gifts. The atmosphere is joyous and euphoric, and all the villagers enthusiastically join in the revelries as if they are celebrating a major festival.

The second incident of bonhomie occurs when old neighbors visit Varma to commiserate about his life under Rakesh's draconian rule. Old Bhatia especially enjoys conversing with Varma while taking a bath in his yard. Sometimes, he even manages to venture onto Varma's property so that the two can socialize and comfort each other through the trials of their old age. In all, the bonhomie and camaraderie among villagers are clearly demonstrated in Desai's thought-provoking story.

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